Give the gift of simmering nature. All new Acrylic Prints for your loved one and even yourself. Only one available of each design. Each is 6 x 6 inches and signed by Phoenix. Click here to learn more and how to order.
Call me a National Parks geek. I've loved our national treasures since the first time I camped over night at Everglades National Park as a Girl Scout... a few years back. My love affair with national parks has continued. To date I've been privileged to visit 22 national parks, seven national refuges, one national preserve, seven national monuments and three US military parks. I am humbled with the rich beauty and American history preserved by our National Park System.
Through my photography I am inspired to expand the visual story that artists--painters and photographers-- started more than a hundred years ago that helped inspire the creation of our national parks to excite new generations of people, build awareness and foster stewardship of these beautiful public lands and historic sites to ensure their continued preservation. See more in the National Parks Collection Pictured above: Yosemite Daybreak, Whiteout-Great Smokey Mountains NP and Reflections-Everglades NP. All are available 12 x 12 inches on metal or ask about custom sizes. I love showing at this Fort Lauderdale treasure. "Purple Lotus" and "Purple Lip Orchid" are showing at the Bonnet House Museum and Gardens' Welcome Center. This sacred lotus is the national flower of India symbolizing life, ever-renewing youth, eternity, purity and divinity. The "Purple Lip Orchid" is so delicate, fragrant and simply lovely. Both are 8"x10" on metal ready to hang or put on a table easel.
If interested, visit or contact Bonnet House directly: 900 N Birch Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304, 954-563-5393 or feel free to contact me and I'll do it for your and make the arrangement to pick up. Sunsets to stir your soul...
"Blazing Sunset" and "Pa hay okee Sunset" have been selected for the Business for the Arts of Broward 2021 Art & Soul Annual Exhibit. Show runs online from May 1 - 31. Blazing Sunset: The sky lit-up as if on fire this late fall night of freezing temperatures and bone-chilling winds at the highest elevation in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and in Tennessee, Clingmans Dome at 6,643 feet. Pa-hay-okee Sunset: Photographed in Everglades National Park on a cool and windy early spring evening. Pa-hay-okee is Seminole for grassy river. It bought me such peace to experience this sunset. It was a surprisingly cool March evening. The expanse of the Everglades went on and on with occasional grunts from alligators and a distinctive "rattling" sound which to my relief I found out later was from the box rattle moth. A sunset to remember. For purchases and inquiries go to or contact @robynvegas, [email protected] After six years serving as President of the National League of American Pen Women - Fort Lauderdale Branch, I officially stepped down this past Thursday at our annual Achievement Awards luncheon meeting, currently held on Zoom. It's been a pleasure and sincere honor to serve this creative and accomplished cadre of women artists - visual, letters and music composition. The Board really "got" me with surprise gifts personally delivered during the meeting along with this heart-felt video that pretty much captures the spirit and all that we accomplished together. Big Thank You from my Grateful Heart! Enjoy!
Extra Big Thanks to original art by Pat Brooks. Watch the video tribute |
Intuitive Soul Photographer of nature, wildlife and people. Be inspired! |