So excited to create and offer these brand new Nature Packs.
This is a limited time offer -- just for the holidays -- with special pricing, thanks to new pricing from my printer. Whether you buy 4-packs for yourself, for others and/or breakdown the packs to give mini-gifts to other, know that each 4 pack was created with love for nature from my original fine art photography. Read all about it HERE Be sure to read the order deadlines to receive in time for Christmas.
Pictured: Thanks to Natasha Schiller and her Grams for attending the Art Collectors and Connectors private showing.
"The Spirit of This Place" exhibit held this past spring at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center lives on through the online 53 piece gallery collection and separate videos of the exhibition's three galleries. Links are below. Enjoy viewing it vicariously! Website: Photography Gallery Gallery 1 - Main (long version) Gallery 1 - Main (shorter version) Gallery 2 - Oceans Away Gallery 3 - 12 x 12 Collection Pictured with friend and painter extraordinaire Twyla Gettert. Although my biggest, best solo exhibit yet may have closed it lives on online.
I was so exciting to be extended the privilege to takeover the Pompano Beach Cultural Center for some 6 weeks. The 53 pieces on exhibit represented my various collections including Everglades, Rocky Mountains NP, Great Smoky Mountains NP, Ireland, Landscapes, WingedLife, Wildlife, Alaska, Venice and more. Grateful for all the 100's and 100's of visitors who attended the opening reception, private showings, group gatherings, one-on-one personal tours and walk-ins I didn't even know. Big heart-felt thanks to the Pompano Beach Cultural Center for hosting me and Adriane Clarke, Cultural Facilities Supervisor at City of Pompano Beach, in particular who invited me to "take my exhibit on the road". And, Justin Kolosick for his care and precision installing and de-installing the exhibit. "The Spirit of This Place" exhibit lives on through the online gallery collection and separate videos of each of the exhibition's three galleries. Here are the links: Photography Gallery Gallery 1 - Main (long version) Gallery 1 - Main (shorter version) Gallery 2 - Oceans Away Gallery 3 - 12 x 12 Collection It's always fun for me to reflect back on which Facebook posts received the greatest number of "likes and loves". Mostly I deeply appreciate those who take a little extra time to share a comment on how the images touch them, inspire them, bring them peace, make them feel that they are right there with me as I capture the moment. Thanks so much for your continued love and support.
This is a beautiful time of the year to give art. Please drop by my website. The images above are just a sampling of many of the most popular fine art photographs. The usual discounts apply to established collectors. And, if you are a new client, no worries, we'll work something out. Promise!
Excited to share this exhibit with you. Now setting-up private tours for individuals and groups. Show runs through September 30th and thankfully the calendar is filling up fast.
If I say so myself, this may be my most stunning exhibit ever. Show features 46 favorites from various collections, including my two artist in residency awards - Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way, Sacred Trees, Venice, Greece, Cape Cod, and National Parks, including the Everglades. Call direct or contact via email, [email protected] Oh What a Night !!! Thanks to all the friends and new friends who came out and shared their love at the opening reception for my new solo exhibit "The Spirit of This Place" at Sunrise Civic Center Art Gallery. Show runs through Sept 30th. Let me know if you'd like to set up a private tour for yourself or your group. It's my pleasure
This past June I was gifted the opportunity to stay at Olga and Jim's Cape Cod home. For one week, I was up early and out late every day to capture the magic of Cape Cod. With extensive research on the surrounding, I set out to capture perhaps a different view of this famed land. Captivated by the light, I sought out compositions that evoke solitude, peace and simplicity. I often walked one to two miles each way across sand dunes and beaches to capture the moment.
View the Cape Cod and National Seashore collection Even with the best planning, sometimes things go awry. My last night resulted in being rescued by 911 Provincetown and the National Park Service. Research showed that it was a 20 minute walk from the parking sand lot to Race Point Light. For me it was about an hour and a half on the unmarked trail through sand and marsh grass. By the time I found the lighthouse sunset was falling fast. I found my best composition and attempted to out race (no pun intended) the sun as it was blocked by the dunes to return to the sand lot. Not able to find my foot prints or anyone else’s I found a higher ground on the dunes and was guided to call 911. Miraculously the cell phone had reception and two hours later I was on the road home. Hopefully the image above was worth it. |
Intuitive Soul Photographer of nature, wildlife and people. Be inspired! |