"Dawn's Early Light" 8 X 8, aluminized metal. Matching mug too. Ready to hang. Available at ArtServe Gift Store.
It was suppose to be an easy going morning catching up on paperwork before going to my booth at the Home Show at the Broward County Convention Center that I was sharing with my friend and mixed-media artist extraordinaire Jen Walls. The Universe had other plans. Pulling back the bedspread last Friday morning it seems extra heavy. My toes glazed the top of my bedside shoes; they seemed damp. As I slipped into them my eyes opened instantly. I was wide-awake looking onto two plus inches of water everywhere. Walking from my bedroom on one side of the house to the source of the flood at the other end of the house all I saw was a sea of water. It was like being at the beach at low tide only this was inside my house. It was even overflowing onto the back patio. Water was spraying big time from somewhere inside the utility room right across the entrance to the kitchen. I called Pete, my plumber. He was out of town. Earlier this year when I had a major water leak that affected two bathrooms, linen closet and master bedroom he was out of town too. Very calmly he directed me to the water shut off value I had installed a few years back. An hour-and-a-half later his guys arrived with two water vacuums. Working as hard as they could, forty-five minutes later they had barely made a dent in drying up the water. They called Pete and reported how it wasn't going. Pete didn't seem to fathom the enormously of the situation. He told his guys to keep on doing what they were doing. One volunteered to walk in front of me as I took a video to capture the water splashing everywhere and the extent of the damage. Since home phone was nothing but static, I started calling others on cell to figure out next steps. First my insurance agent to find out who he represented in this type case. He said both the insurance company and me. I was still mentally getting over that the same insurance company which took over six months to settle the previous water damage claim that happened in March. They finally did while I was in Ireland. On the upside, it may have been a good thing since the same areas were affected again. If they had settled before I left the bathroom walls may have been open, more mold exposed or the renovations completed. Although, the "jury's" still out on the mold since the house now has a heavy musty "stink". More calls...public adjuster, couldn't get a live person; computer guy; Jen, graciously said she'd handle the booth and any sales of my art; my neighbor Gwenn, who checked on me several times in morning and came over as soon as she could once back from work. I set up a folding table and got computer tower off the floor (does that mother board, two separate internal drives and everything else really dry out and function like they were never touched by two inches of standing water), art that was stored in the house for the Home Show, my sister's fine art that was stored at the end of the hall waiting for me to decide what to do with it, lots of shoes (some new and never worn); of course furniture and much more. By 12:30 pm Pete the plumber told his guys they had to wrap-up my job by 1 pm and go to next scheduled appointment. It couldn't wait. Pete told me I was an emergency and his guys had to get to customer who was moving on Monday and work had to be done. He recommended going with public adjuster again and getting their recommendation for someone to finish up. His guys felt badly. In that moment I didn't like it either; it didn't feel right. In retrospect, I am grateful that Pete did what he did. It forced me to make my decision (with Gwenn as my sounding board) to call the insurance company. Water in a house can not wait. The public adjuster left message he would be there between 3 - 4 pm. Once the claim was made and my agent called to be sure they recognized that I had water damage coverage (they kept saying it was excluded) everyone jumped into action. The inside claims adjusted called to confirm that he set everything into motion; the outside adjuster called and made appointment for next day; the water remediation company called, they had trucks dispatched (turned out to be five) to me. By 7 pm the inside humidity level measured 99 degrees and they had done all that could do this day. Water was mostly soaked up. Eleven dehumidifiers and blowers were set up to prevent mold from getting inside the walls. They wanted more machines and the circuit breaker couldn't take it. And, by 8 pm I was moved into the guest room at my neighbor, Gwenn's house, and having dinner with her and her husband Don. It's a week later and life goes on. I had a good Home Show thanks to Jen who "held down the fort" as they say when I had to meet the water remediation guys on Saturday and Sunday for daily checks, sold art and met lovely folks. All of the drying machines come out tomorrow. And and I'm still here with Gwenn and Don. It's funny or is it "there are no accidents". When my youngest sister passed away it was at a time in my life where I was between living places. At first I was intent on selling her house and then the market fell out here and just about everywhere. I decided to buy my surviving sister's interest in this house and live here because I liked Gwenn and liked the neighborhood. I'm still glad that I made that decision. I had a glimpse of who Gwenn was the first time I knocked on her door. My sister asked me to do so even though she didn't personally know her. Sandi needed help and she knew that Gwenn was a nurse. Gwenn came right over. Then she offered that her youngest kids would feed my sister's cats and clean their litter box everyday. Whenever I needed anything for my sister or me Gwenn came through. I am very grateful for Gwenn and Don and their compassionate and open hearts. I've been their invited guest at their house for many Thanksgivings. And, even though they are celebrating at a family gathering out of state this year, I am celebrating again at their house, just not in the "traditional" sense. And, I am thankful for you. You wouldn't be reading this post unless we've touched each other in some way. Thank you for being in my life. I know that it is better because of you dear friend. Time to wrap this up and hit the road. Spending Thanksgiving with another good friend and her family. I am a "lucky girl' as they say, or is that SpiritDiva. I am grateful for the multiple invitations and how much turkey can one eat? Continued blessings to you. P.S. If you have black rubber hoses connecting the water to your washing machine, please save your self a possible $10,000+ headache and a house that looks like a hurricane just swept through it and have them changed to braided stainless steal. It's incredible to image the damage that a hose that probably costs less than $10 can cause when it bursts.
1 Comment
9/10/2019 07:26:12
We are in a world where every move is being judged and we need to make a stand in each choice that we will do. There will be decisions that are hard for us but we need to be thankful for all of the blessings that will come on our way. The challenges will make us smarter and braver. This a living proof that we must not give up no matter how dark the road gets. I will be thankful to all of the challenges that will encounter in this life.
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Intuitive Soul Photographer of nature, wildlife and people. Be inspired! |